Arch.Claudia Mantelli ArtCurator Exhibitions Organizer. mail =

I created this “virtual space” to be able to do “Art and Culture” directed to a heterogeneous and international audience who wants to see, participate, comment, buy or sell, be advertised: in short, be actively involved and
in the most disparate ways that I propose, in agreement with the Artists e
together with the curatorial team.
Quality, Professionalism, Experience, Creativity, Genius will be at the base of all that I propose Individually or with Professional Artists.
There will be excellent services for the Artist at affordable prices (Catalogs,
Critics, Videos, Brochures, Advertising-Personal Shows, Collective,
I will propose artistic and cultural events with galleries, fairs, important auctions, consulates, associations, companies, theaters, palaces, castles, special areas in different parts of Europe and the world to optimize the results obtained with the help of Sponsors, Advertising and Donations.
Obviously I will introduce the Artists of which I am the Art Curator and the Artists that are in ‘. “Art Factory by Claudia Mantelli ART”. The Association no longer exists because it prevented me from doing my profession better.
As I said, I will only create quality and thickness events, especially outside Italy.
I am interested in every type of Artist: from Fine Arts, (Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Digital Art, Visual Art, Performances ……), Design, Body Art, Street Art.
Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Visual Arts, Design, Digital-Art, Street-Art, Body-Art, Performances, Installations, Projects related to the Metaphysics, the Unconscious, the Dream World, the Science, Quantum Physics, the Mysteries of ‘ Man.
Architecture, Interior Designer and Design will also play a fundamental role in this space and concretely, because I will create interesting and creative events dealt with professionally.
They are welcome, actors, musicians, bands, singers and excellent professionals in the contemporary international artistic and cultural scene for the “Contamination Project” of Fine Art with other Arts.
Some points are essential for me
1) Spreading Art and Culture
2) To bring out the Artists
3) Selling the Artists’ Works.
4) I am also available Individually for Who will ask for my Professionalism and Planning in Curating Artists and Events, Conferences, Seminars, Management of Galleries, Art Director, Art Criticism, Interior Design + Contemporary Art and Historicized Art.
All the best.
Thank you. .

If you want expose, collaborate with me as Art Curator e/o Art Organizer e/o Art Director, Interior Designer.
To work with me and Artists or some Artists you love  .
Email =

Other speech as regards Exhibitions,Collaborations with other associations, foreign or Italian , where I have to be present with my Name and professionally to collaborate… I Publish my articles and others and I will be available to every Artist for Personal Exhibition, Critiques d ‘Art, Catalogues, Sale of Artworks, Presentation of each artist (Obviously with AFFORDABLE COST), News…

will be everywhere, and in every right Cities of the World.
Artists from all over the World and it is right that I spread their ART and  my objective will always be to make EMERGENCE every great artist.
I will do everything possible for this to happen, creating and participating in important Events.

  1. This Platform will leave one space suitable for DONATIONS, SPONSOR-SHIP-FOUNDATIONS, PARTNER-SHIP for IMPORTANT EVENTS..  can contact me between This Platform where will leave one space suitable :
    MAIL =  to be able to define all in the details TO COLLABORATE

Claudia Dott. Mantelli Art Curator
Claudia 2

Autore: claudiamantelliartcurator

Claudia Mantelli Art Curator, Exhibition Organizer. mail Tel. +39 3339434867

10 pensieri riguardo “Arch.Claudia Mantelli ArtCurator Exhibitions Organizer. mail =”

  1. Buon dì, permesso posso entrar in Salotto ? luogo d’incontro e di riflesso di colori dolci e segnatamente decisi nella gioia ed entusiasmo di ‘egregie cose’. L’Arte è in noi, se con dolcezza,equilibrio ed amore, riusciamo a leggere e scrivere pur versi brevi,raffinati ,le cui tinte vanno oltre il visibil…- Roberto Lo Presti da Messina-

    Piace a 1 persona

    1. Caro Roberto Da Messina sei invitato ad entrare.
      Per rispetto nei confronti di tutti la quota annuale associativa é di 20 Euro.
      Claudia Mantelli

      "Mi piace"

    1. Gentilissimo Roberto,
      ti ringrazio ma i lavori sono in corso!….vedrai dopo il 20 come diventerà questo sito-blog!!!
      Mi auguro di creare splendide Esposizioni , Eventi, Premi-Arte ecc. in italia e, soprattutto, all’estero.Grazie.Claudia

      "Mi piace"

    1. Thanks Markus,
      but now this Site-Blog is …Work in progress…..because we are creating an other Professional
      Art-space, for see, do Art..and work with Gallery in all Countries, in all Great Towns.
      Bye Claudia

      "Mi piace"

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